Why Garden with Native Wildflowers?

We love wildflowers just as much as we love turf. Both provide different benefits that are vital in the urban environment. Where turf creates a soft, comfortable, safe, and pest-free place for picnics and play, wildflowers provide a beautiful, inviting space for pollinators. Wildflowers are lower maintenance, while turf improves curb appeal. Both have deep…

lawn disease brown patches in grass

We Know Lawn Disease Control

Of all lawn-damaging problems, fungal diseases of turf grass are some of the most difficult to control. There are several diseases that can infect your lawn. Prevention is the best strategy for managing lawn diseases in home lawns. Proper fertilization and mowing, irrigating in early morning hours only, choosing the right type of grass, improving…

close up of core aeration machine tines

What is Power Core Aeration?

Power Core Aeration is performed using a machine that creates thousands of holes throughout your lawn. In its wake, it leaves behind small “cores” of soil (see picture). These cores contain beneficial microorganisms that help to breakdown thatch. We recommend Power Core Aeration at least yearly so if you missed out on spring Power Core…